Many homeowners have replaced their old single-glazed windows with modern uPVC, aluminium hardwood, or composite double glazed units but have left their original doors in place. Some people have done this in an attempt to save money and some because they simply like the way their original doors look. Whatever your rationale for not installing replacement doors, the information in this article may change your mind. In it we are going to take a look at some of the reasons you might want to reconsider your position with regard to replacement doors.
How New Doors Could Transform Your Property
There are several reasons that it is well worth replacing old external doors, the most important of which we have outlined below.
- Aesthetics – You may be fond of your old doors and perhaps when the only alternatives were the rather ugly replacement doors that were available 10-15 years ago, you were right to resist change. However, there is now a huge range of attractive double glazed doors, including designs that were created to complement period properties, contemporary homes, and everything in between. Whatever type of house you live in, you are sure to find a replacement door on the market that is absolutely perfect for you and your home.
- Choice of Materials – We think there are some excellent uPVC doors being made in the UK at the moment but we would be the first to acknowledge that when installed in many older properties, they just don’t blend in very well. Fortunately, you have a real choice nowadays, with affordable hardwood, aluminium, and composite doors available alongside their uPVC cousins. This means that whatever your personal preferences as far as style, appearance, and ease of maintenance are concerned, you can find doors that are just right for your needs.
- Lower Heating Bills – Old wooden doors tend to warp over time, leading to gaps between the edges of the doors and the frames in which they were hung. This creates draughts in your home and leads to higher utility bills. The more cold air that penetrates through these gaps in the wintertime, the harder your central heating system has to work to maintain a comfortable temperature. With interest free doors available across the South East, you don’t have to save up before you can afford to install replacements and enjoy lower heating bills as a consequence.
- A More Secure Home – Older timber doors, which have borne the brunt of many British winters, tend to deteriorate over time, developing cracks and even rotting in some cases. This makes them a relatively weak point in your home defences: something you can remedy by installing brand new replacement doors. Both solid hardwood and composite doors are an excellent choice if security is one of the main reasons you would like to upgrade.
- Less Maintenance – If you decide to replace an old wooden entrance door with a modern uPVC, aluminium, or composite one, you can wave goodbye to the annual ritual of sanding, staining, and varnishing because modern doors that are constructed from these materials are virtually maintenance free. They do not rust, warp, chip, or crack under normal conditions, and all you need to do in order to keep them looking good is to wash them occasionally.
- Make Better Use of Space – If you have a dining or living room that looks out onto your back garden, perhaps with a patio right outside, you can install beautiful bifold doors that can be folded all the way back when the weather is fine, creating one large area for entertaining and relaxation that includes both indoor and outdoor spaces. These types of doors are becoming increasing popular across the South East as people seek to maximise the space they have available to enjoy BBQs and lazy days in the summer, and to throw lavish parties for friends and neighbours.
Other reasons that people may decide to upgrade their existing doors include adding to the value of their home and attracting prospective buyers. If you wish to sell your home it is worth bearing in mind that the first thing potential buyers will see when they arrive for a viewing is your front door.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to improve the exterior appearance of your home, we are here to help. Call the best door company in Essex now on 0800 666 444, and speak to one of our experts: our team is standing by to answer any questions you may have about our products and services.